Servant Leadrshp that GSD (12/07/2023)

Power Skills


Meeting Day, Date, Time

Day(s):                    Thursday

Meeting Date(s):              12/07/2023

Time:                  3:00 PM - 9:00 PM



 Early Bird Price

Regular Price







All PMINYC Volunteers



Leaders aren't born... They are made! The key performance indicator of a great leader is that they enable their stakeholders to define and then deliver the necessary results. This presentation will help you unlock the transformative power of GSD by putting focus on developing your leadership skills and those of every person on your team.
Are you tired of hearing that most projects fail because of poor communication? The frustration you feel is probably because you instinctively understand the following:
   - Projects don’t fail; they don’t have a heartbeat or a social security #. People fail.
   - Communication is simply the vehicle we use to lead.
   - If we were to simplify the success criteria for a leader, it would be  "they enable their stakeholders to define and deliver the necessary and expected results."

When organizations focus on improving communication, they generally add processes and guidelines that increase the workload on teams that are already struggling to deliver the desired results. But it’s easier to use communication as the scapegoat than it is to admit they "suck at leadership!"
The solution is to focus on developing the leadership skills of each of their team members regardless of their title. The basic foundation of an agile organization, an agile mindset and teamwork is that "everyone is a leader." Increasing the Leadership Quotient (LQ) in an organization, and getting "lean" with process will lead to more successful projects and desired outcomes.

Learning Outcomes: 
   - Explore the difference between a boss and a leader.  
   - Learn to practice the psychology of getting great results.
   - Learn how great leaders always "Start with Why" & use "The Law of
     Diffusion of Innovation."
   - Learn about guiding teams with "communicate to lead" skills.
   - Learn how to "Stop Holding People Accountable" by building a culture of
   - Earn your #GSD Servant Leader Certification.
   - Download a copy of J. Scott's "It's Never Just Business, It's about People."

Jason Scott


Scott, a talentless, real-life anti-hero who doesn't just talk the talk, he walks the walk. Growing up in the streets of Los Angeles with less-than-ideal parents, J. learned early on that actions speak louder than words.

After dropping out of high school at 17, J. joined the Navy and learned firsthand that grit and courage could overcome any lack of talent. He embraced every opportunity to learn and eventually became a Naval Rescue Swimmer, jumping out of helicopters to save lives.
Rewind, two decades ago, J. founded 120VC to help people, leaders, and teams get things done that really matter. He's uncovered some universal truths along the way: organizations are optimized for the results they're getting, and to get different results, humans need to perform their jobs differently.
But here's the kicker: humans crave success in all areas of their lives, and nobody knows how to be successful doing their job differently. That's where leaders come in - to help people feel safe to experiment and slay new ways of working.
J. Scott is the epitome of the anti-thought leader, proving that leadership isn’t about being the most talented or successful person on the team. It’s about helping your team members define and deliver success. If you surround yourself with talented people and inspire them to reach for THEIR potential, the leader doesn’t need to be talented. They just have to play for the team. J. Scott is a regular guy who's proven that actions speak louder than words.


Cancellation Policy

Registration fees, less a non-refundable $10 processing charge, are refundable if cancellation is received by noon on the date registration closes.


To request a refund, send email to and provide the Order # and Event Start Date

Photo and video policy

Please review our photo and video policy here

Go / No Go Date


PDU's earned

Attendees self report 6.0 Power Skills PDU's



It is no longer possible to register for this event

It is no longer possible to register for this event


Type of category: Education Classes

Type of activity: Power Skills

Date: December 7th, 2023

Hour: 3:00PM to 9:00PM

Registration close date: November 27th, 2023 at 12:00PM

# of PDUs: 6


Members: USD$200.00

Non members and Guests: USD$250.00


Zoom Meeting

Zoom Meeting